The Internet

The Internet
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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Were going Mobile!

It seems to me when something as great as E-Commerce is created someone has to make it even better or more improved. With that statement E-Commerce has branched out to create even easier access to ordering things with a system called M-Commerce or Mobile-Commerce.
Mobile commerce transactions continues to grow, and the term includes the purchase and sale of a wide range of goods and services, online banking, bill payment, information delivery and so on. Read more: Mobile Commerce Definition | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook
Mobile-Commerce allows transactions from, you guessed it, mobile devices. Some of them include cell phones, tablets, and E-readers.

References: Mobile Commerce. (N.D). Mobile Commerce. Investopedia. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to Make that money

The topic of E-commerce adds to the sustainability of communicating over the internet. E-commerce creatively means electronic commerce or creating business or passing money online. Most of us do this every day (Evans, Martin, 2014). Have you shopped lately? With several different E-commerce avenues it is no wonder so many people are making money over the internet. Here are a few transaction examples of what I'm talking about. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)- A business is selling directly to a consumer.

(Photo Credit: Business-to-Business (B2B) - A business is selling to another business.
(Photo Credit: Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) - When the consumers sell to each other.
(Photo Credit:

 References: Evans, A., Martin, K., Poatsy, M. A. (2014-03-01). Technology In Action, Introductory, 11th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

Opinionated? I think not!

Blogging is a creative way to voice your personal thoughts, facts, and opinions (Evans, Martin, 2014). Much like this blog I am currently writing it allows one to get information out to a large group of people. The great thing about blogs is you can use any content that you want, present any facts (always use/find support), and limit who can respond or view what you are writing. Have you ever heard of Pintrest? Pintrest is a giant blog board for you to keep all of your favorite recipe, tricks, and ideas in one place to review later. The great thing about blogging is it has opened up avenues for the general public to use for work, create income, and get products out. One way this is successful is by using Pod casting. Pod casting allows you to place a voice or video recorded blurb into your blog (Evans, Martin, 2014). It allows people reading your blog to hear who is the creator behind the masterpiece. It is just another great avenue to get your ideas out into the web.


Evans, A., Martin, K., Poatsy, M. A. (2014-03-01). Technology In Action, Introductory, 11th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

Pandora's box was opened!

WWW has truly created an avenue for us to access information off of the internet. One of the largest avenues this has opened is with communication. Again with the dying bread comment, but I remember having to sit by the wall because the phone had a cord that was attached to the wall! You could not be on the phone and the computer at the same time and god for bid you called someone long distance! Extra choirs for a week! However, now we have every means of communicating with anyone at anytime!

Social networking has become a huge advancement with the growth of the internet and the web. We started out with Facebook being a large supporter of connecting students who were in college to now being a global venue for friends, family, employers, and even the president to use. Companies even have a venue such as Yammer that creates an in-house social media for employees to communicate with others in other offices and in other countries. Linkedin has become a real hot button in the past few years as well. What was launched in 2003 and started out with as few as 20 professionals signing up a day has turned into a multi-million dollar network that allows people to look for jobs and allows employers to look for you!


LinkedinCorporation. (2015). A Brief History of Linkedin. Retrieved from:

No more question... How it came to be.

Being 29 I believe I am a dying bread that actually remembers what life was like before the internet. I graduated high school before a time of an IPAD in everyone's hands in the class room. However, I can not be upset with the glorious features and joys the internet has brought many of us from around the world.

Before I dive into the benefits, tips, and techniques of using "the internet", I want to provide some fascinating history behind it that you may not be aware of. I am not surprised that many of your who use the internet today may not realize it was created not that long ago. Of course you are probably thinking the creator of the internet was probably Steven Jobs or Bill Gates, however, you would be incorrect.

It is surprising to read that the first "real" connection was made when the computers from Stanford and ULCA started communicating back in 1969 (Evans, Martin, 2014). Now I will say this surprised me I was born in 1986 and remember dial-up internet. If the internet was founded 17 years before I was born why did I suffer through so many years of dial-up internet! The answer to that my friends lies in one glorious computer scientist name Tim Berner-Lee who in 1990 created what we know now as "The World Wide Web" (Andrews, 2013)!

(Photo Credit)

Andrews, Evan. (2013 Dec. 18). Who invented the internet? Ask History. Retrieved from:

Evans, A., Martin, K., Poatsy, M. A. (2014-03-01). Technology In Action, Introductory, 11th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from