The Internet

The Internet
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Pandora's box was opened!

WWW has truly created an avenue for us to access information off of the internet. One of the largest avenues this has opened is with communication. Again with the dying bread comment, but I remember having to sit by the wall because the phone had a cord that was attached to the wall! You could not be on the phone and the computer at the same time and god for bid you called someone long distance! Extra choirs for a week! However, now we have every means of communicating with anyone at anytime!

Social networking has become a huge advancement with the growth of the internet and the web. We started out with Facebook being a large supporter of connecting students who were in college to now being a global venue for friends, family, employers, and even the president to use. Companies even have a venue such as Yammer that creates an in-house social media for employees to communicate with others in other offices and in other countries. Linkedin has become a real hot button in the past few years as well. What was launched in 2003 and started out with as few as 20 professionals signing up a day has turned into a multi-million dollar network that allows people to look for jobs and allows employers to look for you!


LinkedinCorporation. (2015). A Brief History of Linkedin. Retrieved from:

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